Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Motivational Quote & Scripture of the day

As you all know I like to share nuggets of wisdom with everyone in my inner circle of friends & family as well as share a good word from the Basic Instructions Before Leave Earth aka BIBLE. Today I am going to share a quote from one of my favorite scriptures as well as one of my favorite motivational speakers Willie Jolley. I hope this will bless you or someone you share this with today. I also challenge every reader reading this to continue to keep the bar raised, keep your vision clear reach your goals and continue to soar with the Eagles. This is the year of breakouts and breakthroughs, this is the year to overcome your biggest obstacle from stopping you from reaching your goals & aspirations - YOU! Sometimes you have to deprogram to reprogram. When I say this I am simply stating get rid of the brain rot (negative things that are in our minds). Be blunt with yourself and ask yourself what or who do I need to prune or deprogram in my life. Then ask what needs to be programmed in my life (The Word of God, positive influences, sometimes a new season of friends/associates) The success of life comes from success in the mind. If you want to go higher in life expand your mind (John 3). Sometimes you have to encourage yourself when no one else will encourage you to reach the maximum heights that the Lord has in store for you. Sometimes you have to give in order to receive. Sometimes you have to hold your peace and let the Lord fight your battle. If you are in a poverty mindset and it feels uncomfortable it should! Because you are the son or daughter of The King of Kings and you are royalty! So take this year of change and make a breakthrough and challenge what challenges you! Sometimes you have to admit that you don't know what you don't know. So when in doubt ask the Lord for Clarity, Wisdom and Common sense. As stated in (Proverbs 2:6) For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. With that said I am going to leave you with the Willie Jolley quote I promised you. In every life there comes a time A minute when you must decide To stand up and live your dreams Or fall back and live your fears. In that minute of decision, You must grasp the vision And seize the power That lies deep inside of you! Then you will see That dreams really can and do come true And that all things truly are possible... If you can just believe! It Only Takes a Change Your Life! If only takes a minute to learn that A Setback is nothing but a Setup for a Comeback! - Willie Jolley May God continue you to hold you and bless you, I love you all - Chef Kahlil Wyche Executive Chef/President, Catering To Your Whims Executive Chef/VP, Abundant Harvest Catering Viewer Contestant,The 16 Week Challenge TV Show Voice 1.866.374.7131 or 856.383.8600 Fax 1.866.374.7131 MySpace - Facebook - Facebook me! LinkedIn - Twitter - BrainTrust - Blog - - PS - Don't Keep Me A Secret

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